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I must summon all of my courage to write these lines

Recently, people find themselves more energetic when trying out a lot of fields. I jump from doing makeup to sharing English, and sometimes I talk about tips for surviving the difficulties of adulthood.

But behind that is not really a strong or ambitious girl. It was merely a curiosity. And above all, it’s bewilderment.

First, I don’t have a definite passion. I used to think of makeup as a lifelong passion until I realized it was a tool to satisfy my artistry and my hobby of painting.

Second, I am not good at any particular area. Simply because at each one I do 60% 70% and then I want to try new things to see if I can do better. As the old men said, 1 job for nine is better than 9 jobs. So I was even more confused.

And finally, I also suffer from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) like many other 20-year-olds. The motivation for me to try new things is the fear of missing out on the exciting experiences in the work that other people are doing.

But lately, I’ve been trying to learn to appreciate this feeling of bewilderment. And I realized, I’m not the only one.

Even people who we consider “perfect”, determined and steadfast in their goals, have gone through this phase. All decisive change begins with questions: Who am I? What do I want? What was I born to do? accompanied by a feeling of crisis is not light.

So, if you are in the same situation as me, then I warmly welcome you to the fan club of Ho Quynh Huong (who sings the song Hoang Mang). No, seriously, panicking isn’t just normal, it’s also a good sign that you’re going through a shift in mindset.

PS: I’m afraid that if I don’t write down these confessions, I will indirectly send a toxic message, that it is worth striving to be comprehensive. No problem. You see that I try many things simply because I am also struggling on the way to find a reason to live.

No matter what field I work in, I am still me, Mai Anh. I will still try to give everything I have, even if it only helps one person.

Hope you will patiently accompany me on this journey of becoming an adult full of thorns but also quite interesting. And don’t forget to be patient with yourself.

We’ll all be fine. As long as they go together and no one stops.

Cheers to the journey!

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