
5 ways to make money from English

Applies to both full-time and part-time jobs.

1. Teaching

It is not necessary to go to a pedagogy school to be a teacher. It is evident many of the leading teachers in this industry are people from other industries. Pedagogical ability is due to giftedness, natural charm and consistent practice.

You can practice your pedagogical skills in many ways, teach individually or in small groups first to get feedback from students and take a short training course. As for me, I choose to study TESOL. Either way, I will invest in a prestigious and globally recognized certificate to serve many other purposes in the future.

Hourly salary for a teacher with IELTS and TESOL certification ranges from 500k to 1.5 million per teaching shift (depending on skills, experience and workplace). If you work full-time, the salary can be up to 2000-3000 USD. Otherwise, it is completely possible to choose a teaching shift to be comfortable in terms of time for other projects.

2. Interpreters/Translators

This is one of the most well-paid jobs for foreign language people.

The average fee for translating difficult documents is 50.000/page. With SDL Trados (translation support tool), you may finish a workload of up to 40 pages per day, which amounts to 60 million for each month.

As for cabin interpreters at conference or business meetings, the minimum remuneration is 50 USD/hour. If you work for 4 hours a day, your monthly income may approximate 120 million.

The above numbers only are only realistic when you have very high expertise and are able to handle unexpected problems very well. As for translating movies or normal text, the rate is quite low.

It is also important to note that Many interpreters, under work pressure, fainted right in the cabin. Therefore, interpreters do deserve to be well paid.

The best thing about this job is that you keep your language “alive”. Every day, translators/interpreters are exposed to a wide variety of documents requiring constant updates of information. Thanks to that, they have a deep understanding in many fields and have great lexical resources.

3. App/game developers

This is deemed as the dream job for those of you who like technology.

In the labor market of Vietnam, foreign games have become more and more popular. That is also the reason why game streamers receive such strong attention from the mass.

You can join global gaming giants like Nintendo, Gameloft or SG. It is a golden opportunity to work in an environment full of good people and enjoy good compensation and benefits.

4. Coordinators at NGOs

The remuneration in these organizations is not high when compared to the rest of the jobs on the list, especially during the time of the raging epidemic. In return, you can work in an international environment, expand your network and make the most of your language ability.

You can follow pages specializing in NGOs (non-governmental organizations) on facebook to update recruitment information regularly.

5. Last but not least: Combine expertise with English.

It is no coincidence that the Medical University considers candidates with IELTS 6.5 or higher (provided that the score is up to 3 points lower than the standard score).
English will open up an infinite treasure of knowledge for you to tinker with and hone your expertise.

With the help of English, you are capable of expanding your clientele significantly.

I have a client who has been an MC for almost 8 years. During the maternity leave, she took advantage of her foreign language skills and improved her accent. When I ask where the motivation comes from, why do you study restlessly? She smiled and said: “Let’s not talk motivation here, darling. It is just so simple that the salary for my bilingual MC is now one and a half times, sometimes even twice as much as before.”

Hopefully the article will be useful for those of you who are still struggling to find directions and accidentally wasting your language skills. The labor market is in need of you and promises a lot of places for development.

In case your English has not been good enough, you know what you need to do.

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